Bank Account Response Codes
Account Status Response Codes
Bank accounts that are found and in good standing are approved with a POS (positive) result status. Accounts that do not exist or are in a negative standing at their bank are rejected with a NEG (negative) result status. If a bank account is from a bank that is not part of the real-time network or the bank is not reporting information about the bank account, the transaction is approved with an UNK (unknown) result status.
The following table shows all possible responses from the account status endpoint:
Status | Code | Code Data | Code Description |
POS | 1111 | Pass AV | The account was found to be an open and valid checking account. |
NEG | 2222 | Pass AMEX | The account was found to be an open and valid American Express Account |
POS | 3333 | Pass NPP | Non-Participant Provider – This account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent or current transactions. |
POS | 5555 | Pass SAV | Savings Account Verified – The savings account was found to be an open and valid account |
POS | 7777 | Pass AV | Account Verified – The checking account was found to be open and have a positive history. |
POS | 8888 | Pass SAV | The savings account was found to be open and have a positive history. |
POS | 9999 | Pass NPP | This account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent or current transactions transactions. Positive history exists for multiple transactions. |
NEG | GN01 | Negative Data | Negative information was found. |
NEG | GN05 | Unassigned Routing Number | The routing number supplied is reported as not assigned to a financial institution |
NEG | GP01 | Private Bad Checks List | Known bad check writer |
NEG | GS01 | Invalid Routing Number | The routing number did not match the format of a valid routing number. |
NEG | GS02 | Invalid Account Number | The account number did not match the format of a valid account number. |
UNK | ND00 | No Data | Unknown. No positive or negative information has been reported on the account. |
NEG | ND01 | No Data - US Govt Only | No positive or negative information has been reported on the account. This routing number can only be valid for US Government financial institutions. Please verify this item with its issuing authority. |
NEG | RT00 | No Information Found | The routing number appears to be accurate however no positive or negative information has been reported on the account. Please contact customer to ensure that the correct account information was entered. |
NEG | RT01 | Declined | This account should be returned based on the risk factor being reported. |
NEG | RT02 | Reject Item | This item should be returned based on the risk factor being reported. |
NEG | RT03 | Accept With Risk | Current negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items) |
NEG | RT04 | Non Demand Deposit Account | This is a Non Demand Deposit Account (post no debits), Credit Card Check, Line of Credit, Home Equity or a Brokerage check. |
NEG | RT05 | Accept With Risk | Recent negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items) |
Account Owner Response Codes
When a bank account’s owner can be verified to match the owner information supplied in the Bank account ID endpoint, POS will be returned as the OwnerAuth.Status.
Owner information that does not match the supplied owner information, will result in NEG as the OwnerAuth.Status.
If the bank account fails verification or the bank account exists at a bank that is not linked directly to our verification network, the OwnerAuth.Status will be set to UNK (for unknown) and no other OwnerAuth values will be set.
The following table shows all possible OwnerAuth (ownership authentication) responses from the Bank account ID system:
Status | Code | Code Data | Code Description |
UNK | 0 | No Data | No ownership auth response for this bank account |
NEG | CA00 | AV Failed | Account verification failed, no owner authentication call was performed |
NEG | CA01 | Declined | Information submitted failed authentication. |
POS | CA11 | Pass | Customer authentication passed. |
NEG | CA21 | Risk Alert | The customer or business name data did not match account data. |
NEG | CA22 | Risk Alert | The customer's TaxId (SSN/ITIN) data did not match account data. |
POS | CA23 | Accept With Risk | The customer's address data did not match account data. |
POS | CA24 | Accept With Risk | The customer's phone data did not match account data. |
POS | CA25 | Accept With Risk | The customer's date of birth or ID data did not match account data. |
NEG | CA30 | Risk Alert | Multiple secondary data points did not match account data. |
Response Notes for Bank ID
Bank account status erification is always still performed first. The bank account verification results are returned in the normal ExpressVerify response fields. Ownership authentication will only be attempted if the bank account passes verification and the account exists at a bank on our real-time verification network.
So that means only the following bank account verification response codes will trigger an attempt at authentication ownership: 1111, 5555, RT02 and RT03.
If bank account verification fails or if it succeeds with something other than one of the response codes listed above, bank account ownership will not be authenticated.
Updated almost 2 years ago