Identifying numbers

Keep your system in sync with ACHQ

Proper communication between two separate cloud applications (like the ACHQ platform and your software application) requires that both applications share a common, unique reference for each transaction for the two applications to communicate intelligently.

The ACHQ API supports the following methods for uniquely referencing transactions:


At the completion of each successful Create a payment (tokenized) or Refund a payment API request, a Transact_ReferenceID value is returned by the gateway. This value should be stored in your system as it can be later used for the following functions:

Modify a payment
Cancel a payment
Hold a payment
Refund a payment


Save this one

The Transact_ReferenceID value is also included in all transaction reports as a tool for cross-referencing your internal transactions with the report results. Your software will need to store this value and associate it internally with your own payment transaction record for later transaction cross-reference.


The ACHQ Gateway also supports the ability for Solution Providers to assign their own unique internal ID’s to each payment transaction. Although this value cannot be used to update or void pending transactions, the Provider_TransactionID value will be included in all transaction reports as an alternative (and easier) method of cross-referencing your internal transactions with the report results.